Personal Shopping

The Personal Shopping service allows you to take the stress out of shopping and concentrate on what fits and what looks and feels good –not finding the pieces. Prior to a Personal Shopping excursion you ideally would have completed Colour Analysis, Personal Style Assessment, and Wardrobe Management sessions to ensure we find the best possible clothing for you. If you have not taken part in any sessions through Key Factor Styling, a short meeting is necessary to complete an analysis of colour and a body assessment.

A Personal Image Assessment form needs to be completed prior to the session, as well as a phone conversation to discuss exactly what type of pieces you are looking to purchase and your set budget. 

To make the session as easy and effortless as possible for you, a few days before our scheduled shopping trip I will research suitable shops and identify garments that are appropriate for you. This means that during our session, all you have to do is try on the clothes I have selected and if they are not exactly what you are looking for, we can look at more items in the store together. You are under no obligation to purchase the clothes I select and always have the final say.