Wardrobe Management

Wardrobe Management is essential in developing a new image. It allows you to let go of items that are holding your wardrobe back. In Wardrobe Management, I will look at the items in your closet and identify which are appropriate for your shape and colouring. This will require you to try on some of your clothing so that I can show you why some items work well for you and why some could be better. If desired, I can also show you space-saving tricks and ways to organize all areas of your closet, so choosing an outfit is effortless. Footwear, bags, and jewelry can also be evaluated in this session. Once all items have been sorted into ‘great’ and ‘not-so-great’ piles, I will show you how to make outfits from the items in the ‘great’ category and suggest pieces that would enhance your wardrobe.

A Personal Style Assessment form would be completed prior to this session. 

In order for you to gain the most from Wardrobe Management, it is suggested, but not necessary, that a Colour Analysis be completed prior to the session.